Are you feeling Insecure?


I think being insecure is being unhappy with the life you’ve made. Everything around you was manifested by you. Your own thoughts and actions. Do you like what you see? Do you feel “secure” in the space you created?

A lot of us do not. We feel unsafe in the reality we’ve created for ourselves. A lot of us are anxious.... ready to be on to the next thing and experience a new space. Security is the opposite of anxiety. Accept where you are so far. Be grateful for the life you’ve chosen. Feel safe in it because you created it. Now all you must do is expand on what you now have. Grow that inner peace you feel inside yourself now that you’ve accepted your current space. That acceptance and gratitude will only create an even better reality. You know what ...not even “better”. I won’t use that term because I’ve learned that every moment is as precious as the next, holding the same great opportunities. How about ..that acceptance and gratitude will have created a “new” reality that is even more You. That’s all we want right? Is for our surroundings and circumstances to mirror the true us, right?

So tell your lower self/inner child that it is okay to come out. It is okay to feel safe and secure. Once your inner child is aware that it is safe to play, the magic will unfold. Stress will fade away. Insecurity will fade away. You may still have your moments but with awareness you will understand that those moments are fleeting and they do not define your true reality.



Lacrisha Lomax