5 am club is helping me own my mornings!!!

There has always been sayings about habits of the wealthy and successful people. The one that I will discuss today is one of the most popular of their habits and it is rising early. How can getting up before the sunrise help your life and help you accomplish your goals?

Although I’ve heard about this from various sources and have tried to implement it in my life in the past, the idea hadn’t stuck with me until I fully read the book The 5 Am Club by Robin Sharma. Since I read this book I have been getting up before 5 am every morning and I must say it adds value to my life. One of the first things I do upon rising is pray and reflect for a few minutes. My routine is to hear the alarm and immediately get out of bed and go to the bathroom. The time spent in the bathroom is when I have to tell myself to not get back in bed. I have to actually rationalize about that extra 15 minutes to snooze. Thankfully I’ve learned that getting back in bed sets back my day and leaves me feeling guilty when I end up wasting a precious hour lying in bed half awake and half asleep. I’ve learned that going to bed at a decent hour can afford you enough quality sleep and the ability to rise early without feeling tired and fatigued.

What are some benefits of rising early? One of the best things about rising early is the solitude you feel because it’s typically very quiet. Most of the world is still asleep. It’s a great time to be all to yourself with your thoughts and ideas. The ability to have so much undistracted time is very beneficial with goal setting. Another benefit is the time you can spend alone and express gratitude. Thirdly rising early can get you into the habit of exercising early which gives your body natural endorphins to start your day. The most important part about rising early for me is the valuable time I now have to focus on my dreams and the things important to me and my family. I also love the feeling of accomplishment that I feel everyday when I’m heading to my job in the morning at 8am and I’ve already done so much for myself already.

The book discusses in detail the 20 20 2o principle. The principle states you should spend your first 20 minutes of exercise that works up a sweat. The next 20 minutes of reflection, meditation or prayer. And the last 20 minutes on some form of education-podcast, audible book, research, etc. This first hour of your day is your very own personal hour of power!!

Lacrisha Lomax